Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesdays post assignment

I read the article about Electronic devices and how they affect family bonding and relatoinships. Quality time, redifined is a great article that makes people in this day in age realize how consumed we are with the media and technology. If you step and back and look at the advantages of technology itself and how it benefits people, I would say that it has a positive impact on the citizens, but contrasting the idea of how it affects the bodage of family and how they come together I would say the affect is contadictory. The article metntioned that over 60 percent of childern have laptops or access to internet wirelessly. I feel like this is definatly could end up being a bad things just because children are probably spending way to much time doing video games and pointless activites when they could be learning social skills, and how to communcate with there peers with out expressing there feelings and words through the buttons on a keypad.

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