Sunday, May 8, 2011


By Dorothea Lasky
The man who murders his wife

Is not the same as the man

Who goes around and murders a stranger.

I am a woman but I am not

The same as another woman.

Identity politics are bullshit.

There is only the smart and the evil,

The good and the righteous.

There is only one color on the earth.

In its infinite degradations it becomes music and mathematics.

There is shit on my hands

When I have been playing around with specifics.

Love your lover. You are a lover.

With each breath God has put a golden faith

Upon the snowy mountains of the world.

Here, look at the snowy mountains,

Glittering with snow.

They are wiser than you might think.

And in your soul, the small grey animals

Of the world sit and wait to do good

For you, and together

We are one thing, bleating a

Somber, scurrying lullaby to

Lapsing pinkish angels.

Upon a mountain

The angels smile sleepily as they stretch

Their very long legs, thinking of us.

And wise they might seem, us and the angels,

The Choice

By Nate Klug
To stand for once

outside my faith

to steady it

caught and squirming on a stick

up to mind’s

inviting light

and name it!

for all its faults and facets

or keep waiting

The Progress of the Soul

By Thomas McGrath

Where once I loved my flesh,

That social fellow,

Now I want security of bone

And cherish the silence of my skeleton.

Where once I walked the world

Hunting the devil,

Now I find the darkness and the void

Within my side.

First to be good, then to be happy I

Worked and prayed.

Before the midnight, like the foul fiend,

I killed my dear friend.

Hope unto hope, dream beyond monstrous dream

I sought the world.

Now, at the black pitch and midnight of despair,

Starry Night – Chris August Lyrics

From the birds that sing in the tallest trees
To the human life of you and me
From the desert sands to the place we stand
He is God of all, He is everything

I’m giving my life to the Only One who makes the moon reflect the sun
Every starry night that was His design
I’m giving my life to the Only Son who was and is and yet to come
Let the praises ring ’cause He is everything
‘Cause He is everything

From the autumn leaves that will ride the breeze
To the faith it takes to pray and sing
From the painted sky to my plank filled eye
He is God of all, He is everything

Hallelujah Hallelujah I believe (x2)

I’m giving my life to the Only One who makes the moon reflect the sun
I’m giving my life to the Only Son who was and is and yet to come

I’m giving my life to the Only One who makes the moon reflect the sun
Every starry night that was His design
I’m giving my life to the Only Son who was and is and yet to come
Let the Angels sing that He is Heavenly
So let the praises ring ’cause He is everything

I Remember, I Remember

By Thomas Hood
I remember, I remember,

The house where I was born,

The little window where the sun

Came peeping in at morn;

He never came a wink too soon,

Nor brought too long a day,

But now, I often wish the night

Had borne my breath away!

I remember, I remember,

The roses, red and white,

The vi'lets, and the lily-cups,

Those flowers made of light!

The lilacs where the robin built,

And where my brother set

The laburnum on his birthday,—

The tree is living yet!

I remember, I remember,

Where I was used to swing,

And thought the air must rush as fresh

To swallows on the wing;

My spirit flew in feathers then,

That is so heavy now,

And summer pools could hardly cool

The fever on my brow!

I remember, I remember,

The fir trees dark and high;

I used to think their slender tops

Were close against the sky:

It was a childish ignorance,

But now 'tis little joy

To know I'm farther off from heav'n

A Heart Divided

By Pierre Reverdy

He so spares himself

He so fears the coverings

The sky’s blue coverlet

And pillows of cloud

He is ill-clothed by his faith

He is so afraid of steps that go awry

And streets chipped in the ice

He is too tiny for winter

He so fears the cold

He is transparent in his mirror

He is so hazy he loses himself

Time rolls him under its waves

At moments his blood flows the wrong way

And his tears stain the linen

His hand gathers green trees

And nosegays of seaweed from the strand

His faith is a thorn bush

His hands bleed against his heart

His eyes have lost their glow

And his feet trail over the sea

Like the dead arms of devil-fish

He is lost in the universe

He stumbles against cities

Against himself and his own failings

Then pray that the Lord

Erase even the memory

Of this man from His mind

Adding It up by Phillop Booth

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

a hole in my life pages 80-150

The two men are getting frusterated with eachother and I am thinking it is because they have 2 totally differnet personalities. The man that sails the ship took away Jacks identification, and everything and anything that is "evidence". The only thing he left him with was a fake ID. The next morning Jack woke up to gunshots and found out that it was the sailor practicing his aim by shooting bottles....he missed every time, which was definitely did not make Jack feel safe. Jack was at the point where he missed talking to an actual human, and he was venting to Hamilton by telling him that he is scared of punishments that might occur on this plan of trying to sell hash. He eventually got over it and went on with the journey taking it day by day. He was sick of smoking hash, and it eating it was well so he decided to have a little fun. He jumped into the water and swam around to where Hamilton was in the porthole. Jack grabbed his leg and pretended that he was some sort of monster...and next thing you know Hamilton had a gun pointed toward Jack. He pointed the pistol straight at his head, and shot the water on purpose to scare Jack. Ohh was Hamilton mad. The boat was acting weird and they soon realized that they needed fuel. So happens to be a Japanese fishing trawler ship ahead and eventually made a deal with them and ended up getting some more fuel. It has been almost a month now since they set sail and they think they are getting close to land because helicopters have been in sight lately. So in the next chapter the setting is jack back in his jail sell telling stories on "how people were caught". Suddenly the setting is back with Hamilton and they have arrived in New York and Hamilton had a friend that is going to sell the hash for them. Every police car siren, every helicopter sound makes Jack jump, and he is really nervous for all of this to go down. As they settled in, Jack was thinking to himself as he drank a cold beer and ate some food, that everything is going to be alright for the fact that they didn't get caught on there way there, and the selling of the hash is beginning and that is one step closer to Jack getting his college money he needs.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This weekend i traveld to chicago....well just because I guess. My freind and I stayed at her sisters house in the suburbs area, and drove to downtown chicago for the first time. It is absolutley a whole new world down there. The drive down there was dealthy because Chicago drivers are crazy and only care about themselves. Any way once we had made it safe to the house we relaxed for awhile and Sarah's sister and her husband took us to the downtown part and treated us with some lunch. I dont remember what the resteraunt was called but I had the best burger I have ever tasted in my life. Every bite was filled with a sweet juicy taste that I couln't get enouph of. After lunch we headed towards some of the shops. I tried on allot of clothes but didn't end up buying them because everything was really expensive, but I still enjoyed every bit of shopping. After we wanted to go the the big tall bulding that has the glass box that you can look over the city of chicago. We took a cab to get there and realized it was a two hour wait and we did not want to wait that long so we skipped out on that part. We also went to the big bean that is so amazing and cool. If you go under it you can see your self from all points of view. Then after our day downtown, we went to a beach and took some pictures by the water, and then Sarah and I went out for some Chicago pizza. After our night was almost over we went home and watched The chronicals of Narania with her family, and ate hot cookies and ice cream and then went to bed. The next day was depressing when we had to leave but we had a great time so that is all that natters. I would highly recomend going to Chicago! Its AWESOME!

Tuesdays post assignment

I read the article about Electronic devices and how they affect family bonding and relatoinships. Quality time, redifined is a great article that makes people in this day in age realize how consumed we are with the media and technology. If you step and back and look at the advantages of technology itself and how it benefits people, I would say that it has a positive impact on the citizens, but contrasting the idea of how it affects the bodage of family and how they come together I would say the affect is contadictory. The article metntioned that over 60 percent of childern have laptops or access to internet wirelessly. I feel like this is definatly could end up being a bad things just because children are probably spending way to much time doing video games and pointless activites when they could be learning social skills, and how to communcate with there peers with out expressing there feelings and words through the buttons on a keypad.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog post assignment for Bloggies

This is my favorite post from the blog page , A Jar of Orange Marmalade

So far I have been really impresses with A Jar of Orange Marmalade's posts and the overall blog. My favorite post which is linked above, is a personal post that describes the relationship of J.J.R tolkeins and CS Lewis and how the article they found on Google about them made them feel less geeky which I thought was comical.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gallery post

Along with many of Adam Gayers harminious and imaginative artowork peices this bold painting, "A mans crime" creates multiple emotions and very satisfactory to the senses. The disordered brush strokes and 3 demensional outlook makes the painting worthy of examening for a long period of time. The vivid incorporation of real picrures and the painting aspect really gave it it's uniquness. The missing man in the painting may signify that crime isn't what he wasnt to be in life, so he is taken from the picture and wants to be looked at as something else.

Monday, April 18, 2011

week ahead of me

Well the month of April is a big month for my family. Well we have Easter of course, and then we have my Moms birthday, my Dads birthday, my cousins, birthday and my brothers birthday. This Friday my family and a couple of my brothers freinds are going to lazer x to celebrate his 10th birthday which will be a blast becasue I am bringing a couple of my freinds to go to which will be quite comical. Then on Saturday we are goint to Shelbyvill Indiana to visit some of my family, and quite honeslty this is one of those awkward family visits where you only see these people once a year and it is just plain awkward. I mean I love them but the lack of time spent together is not doing a whole lot of good. Then we are having easter dinner at my Dad's house which will most likely be pretty layed back because he is not the fancy type. i have also decided that I am going to read the book of John in the bible because I havent really taken Easter that seriously in past years and thought about the real meaning of it so I decided this year I will step it up. Also I hope that this weather gets better becasue it has not been the greatest out and I would really like the sun to start shining becasue it always puts me in a good mood.