Monday, April 18, 2011

week ahead of me

Well the month of April is a big month for my family. Well we have Easter of course, and then we have my Moms birthday, my Dads birthday, my cousins, birthday and my brothers birthday. This Friday my family and a couple of my brothers freinds are going to lazer x to celebrate his 10th birthday which will be a blast becasue I am bringing a couple of my freinds to go to which will be quite comical. Then on Saturday we are goint to Shelbyvill Indiana to visit some of my family, and quite honeslty this is one of those awkward family visits where you only see these people once a year and it is just plain awkward. I mean I love them but the lack of time spent together is not doing a whole lot of good. Then we are having easter dinner at my Dad's house which will most likely be pretty layed back because he is not the fancy type. i have also decided that I am going to read the book of John in the bible because I havent really taken Easter that seriously in past years and thought about the real meaning of it so I decided this year I will step it up. Also I hope that this weather gets better becasue it has not been the greatest out and I would really like the sun to start shining becasue it always puts me in a good mood.

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