Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28 diction exercise

You are Human By: Jim Moore
1) lovely
3) melted-down
7) medical

1)elevation: medium( exaltation, grandeur)
2)concreteness: medium(actuality,certainty)

C)Jim Moor's "You are Human", has an unrestricted reality of illusions that alludes to an imaginative exaltation of scenarios that are too righteous to be legitimate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The lost pencil

You know when are doing homework or something, and your pencil just disappears...its almost as if it camouflages with the bedspread, or the carpet. I mention this because it just happened to me. So, there has been a few exiting things on tv lately like American Idol, the gramies. I believe that this season of American Idol will indeed be the best so far, just because of the talent that is being introduced. I mean these peoples voices are amazing and quite unique and peerless. I fell in love with one particular audition just because of this mans breath-taking voice. I would put the youtube video on, but I forget how to so if your curious then look up Steve Beghun American idol season 10 auditions. On to my opinion with the gramies...I thought they were pretty good this year, I mostly watched it to see all of the breath taking dresses. Another highlight was when toy story 3 won best animated film!! Loved it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dance Marathon 2011!!

WHAT IT DO???? ITS DANCE MARATHON TIME! Tonight is dance marathon, and I am super excited because I have never done it before. From the games to the dancing and all the way over to the food, I believe that I am going to have blast! I heard the food is going to be fa nominal Thank gosh it did not get canceled due to weather. I am honestly sick of all these cancellations! Just because the superintendent is all paranoid now because he got crap for not canceling on Monday, we are never going to have a summer.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2.23 Diction Exsercise


1.Elevation-Low(cheap,inadequate, and low-grade)
2.Connotation-Literal(definite,simple, regular)
3. Sound-Harsh(rough, craggy, unrelenting)
4.Concreteness-Concrete(conglomerated, solidified, calcified)

C)Roberta's craggy, cheap language in Linda Berry's "Cruddy" depicts jaded frustration toward her yonger siblings,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

New book chapter 1

So tomorrow is indeed Presidents least that is what my Dad told me so i hope he knows what he is talking about. So here he is the president of the United States..I personllay do not like him all that much but that is just me.
Any way i started a new book called" on love" and so far its pretty decent.I decided to stop reading the other book because it was not intersting me at all. I think reading love stories once in a while is good for everyone. This book is unique becasue every chapter is chapter 1, and in each chapter, the parapgraphs are numberd, almost as if they are entries, which is weird I know, but something about it draws me to it. This story is told in first person and the main charater is a man, that is looking for love. This man loves to travel, and so one day he was on a plane, and his passenger had told him to get an extra drink so that she could have it.....and that is were the love began. They continued to make conversation, and flirt. Next thing you know he is in love with this girl named chloe. He described her as having chesnut colored hair that was short, watery green eyes that refused to look into mine, and her shoulders were thin, almost fragile. She was a graphic designer for a fashion magazine in Soho. So after strange click on the plane, they had spent time with eachother that afternoon, leading to having dinner once in awhile. Even though they were far apart, they called eachother everyday. He truley believes that meeting chloe was fait, and it was not an accident. I wish these types of things really happend in real life....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

On love pages 20-50

Alain de Botton "On Love" has just been one of those books that I do not want to put down. It is choppy, but intriguing at the same time. Honestly the cover was what attracted me to the book, but a love story wouldn't be my first choice in book, but I am glad I did. At this point in the story, Chloe and they guy who i never figured out his name(he is the none telling the story), they start to see eachother more and more. This man is so madly in love with Chloe; he analyzes everything and anything about her, its almost creepy. And he quite often asked himself ,"Who could I become to please her?"While that in his mind he attempted to anticipate everything he believed she might of wanted to hear. Then they were at dinner, and things were going well until there was "that" silence..... I think everyone can relate to "that" silence. He went on saying how silence is a sense that you are boring, and is an unattractive quality which i agree with. But then again it is hard to always know what to say. As dinner went on he had found out that Chloe didnt like to talk about herself, and that is what made her so modest. Chloe had grown up in a rich home, and had a quite "awkward" childhood as he explained. At the end of the night when he was taking her home, he tried to be mature and just kiss her on both cheeks and wish her a goodnight, but she whispered in his ear, "we arent children ya know", and they had a wonderful, long kiss! Ow Owww! One thing led to another and they spent the night with eachother doing the nasty. The next morning, he wakes up to Chloe getting into the shower, and then she makes a huge breakfast, which she is grateful for. Until something in his taste buds told him that he needed strawberry jelly when there was like 5 different jelly's that she had. He said that he was going to leave and go get some and she did not like that idea. I don't blame her, that is ridiculous. Those actions led to a small fight, and she ended up in her room crying over jelly.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chicago Enlightened!
In the video perfomance that the flash mob dancers portrayed, caught the eyes of many Americans displaying a strong sense of unity and fluidity reflecting the majestic ripple and energetic feeling of everyone taking part. Oprah opened the show and introduced the Black Eyed Peas, and watched the performance from the stage. In true flash mob style, the dancing begain with one solitary performer positioned in the front row. As the song
progressed more dancers joined in until there were thousands moving simultaneously. The audience was proved to be well rehersed with everyone seeming to know what to do at the exact time they were supposed to do it. On stage, Oprah was standing in awe of what she was witnessing. She held her cell phone up taking video of the whole thing and could not stop saying,"Oh my gosh"! She obviously had no idea that this unbelievable show was going to take place. It was almost as if the dancers were telling a story, and it all started with one person. So therefore if it wasnt for that one person being themselves the others would be affected. This video might be portaying that sometimes you just have to let loose and have fun!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jane Eyre and Miss Lonely Heartsnpages 1-75

In English class we are reading a book called Jane Eyre, and right now it has a ton of description in it, almost too much and I am not too fond of it so far but we will see how it goes. I started a new book, a different kind of book but I dont know if I will keep reading it so we will see. It is called Miss Lonely Hearts and it starts off with a man that works at the new york post as a columist, and he is under the name "Miss Lonely Hearts". His editor, a cynical old man named Shrike, had printed out a mocking prayer comparing Miss Lonely Heart to Jesus? Miss Lonely Heart recieves all of these letters from people that have crisis in there lives, and only know that Christ is the answer, and he is sick of Shrike mocking him in his prayers. Shrike makes fun of him for only loving Jesus.

So far the book is not as good as a planned, and for some reason the religious book have been a hot topic for me latley. No problem with that.

Dirty Ducker

Do you see this? This will be my face on the day of Dirty Duckers Dodgball tournament! I am super excited because my team is going to be pretty legit. Our team name is the Office, and we are all characters from the show. My name is Jim. Classic right? Anyway, I am also in the process of raising money for Dance Marathon which is goin to be so much fun! I have never been able to go to it because I always had gymnastics regionals, but now thay I am not doing this year I will be able to attend. I am a little apprehensive about only getting like 3 hours of sleep so it will be interesting. I also heard the food is amazing!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

pages 175-210

Laura is now able to somewhat talk, and open her eyes. Which is a releif for the family, and just makes them want to stay by her side the whole time as she gets better everyday. Whitneys family had found out that there cousin had just been in a similar accident and she died. Breaking the news to everyone would be like dealing with the whitney situation all over again. After that the news hd to be broken that Laura was not really who they thought she was, and that she died in the accident along with Brad and all the others. They all sobbed until they couldnt anymore. It didnt seem real to anyone. Chapter 19 is called Back to From the dead, and ironically Whits family finds out the wonderful news that their daughter is still alive. The whole family panicked and rushed down to were she was. On the other hand Lauras family was not getting left alone by the news reporters and poperazzi. They were all so frusterated, sad, and coudlnt get a break. The next few pages are picturres of Whit and her family and Larua and her family.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So last you heard, I was training for regionals, and last night I had a great meet down in Indianpolis for the regional meet. It was so crazy I was conpeting against an olympian! She is the youngest girl ever to be in the olympics. She is 17, and dove in the last olympics and is now training for the 2012 olympics. It was an honor to compete against her and watch how good she was. She obviously got first place but me on the other hand, I got 8th which makes the cut for State. So Friday I am leaving at 8 heading towards Indianapolis, and I am sorry to say I am missing school Friday. I have never been to state for diving before, but I have been for gymnastics and it was one of the coolest things I have ever experianced. I am hoping this will be just as thrilling.

On to a new topic, I think the picture that we discusses in class today was so cool! It had an absolute amount of intricate detail that you have to look up close to see, which is the beauty of that painting because there is so much hidden. Also how the painting looked like someone froze time just to catch every detail and emotion that the birds where portaying. I very much enjoy what we are dong in class now because we get to do things our own way to an extent instead of other classes where you do same old same old crap everyday. So thank you Mr. Hill for making this class an enjoyment!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The crazy teenage drivers that think they are cool...

“The presence of peers activated the reward circuitry in the brain of adolescents that it didn’t do in the case of adults,” said Laurence Steinberg. I think that statement is interesting because I can relate and admit that I drive faster and less aware when i have my freinds in the car with me. The music is always louder and i am less focused on the road. Dr. Steinbarker says that the brain system involved in reward processing is also involved in the processing of social information, explaining why peers can have such a pronounced effect on decision making.I guess he is just trying to say that when your peers are with you, you are more likely to be a daring individual rather than if you were by yourself.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I found this picture, and i just thought it was super cool and captures reading in action.

So, tomorrow is my regional dive meet in Indianapolis, and I am so nervous. I just got first at sectionals last weekend which was exciting, but my coach informed us that we have some major competition. There is going to be a girl that is training for the 2012 olympics that I will be competing against, and how can you not be intimidated by that? The top 8 girls go to state, so I am praying that I will be able to do well enouph to make the cut.
This is one of my favorite olympic divers Kelci Bryant...I thought this pictures was quite comical

This video is one of my descriptions but I dont think it posted on my blog so I am posting it again.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mistaken Identity pages 50-100

At this point in the story you literally just want to be there with the families to help comfort them, especially Lauras family because they are stuck in an ICU waiting room for days waiting and waiting. They finally get the oppertunity to stay at a house that is run by a pastor, and it is for families like Lauras that need somwhere to stay and have a horrible situation that they are dealing with. Everything was free. At this point "Laura" is in a coma, and so many people are trying to contact the family, with the same words," i heard about your daughter, if there is anything we can do to help let us know." So in that case with hundreads of people trying to contact her with updates and so forth, Lauras Mom decided to make a blog! In fact it was on this very website, She would post updates on Lauras health, and people from all over the country were contacting her saying that they were praying, and telling there stories as well. So Laura was fortunate to have so many people praying over her. After Whitneys Mom Colleen and the family had got the news, and they had gone away, they came back and the house just seemed abnormal. There were flowers everywhere, over 30 messages on the answering machine, and they were dreading the moment that they were going to have to go upstairs to Whits room. But they knew they had too. They ended up just laying on her bed and turning the harshness into laughter by remembering all of the good times they had with Whit. Also after that they had to be concerned about making the arangments for the funeral. Carly, Whits older sister suggested that instead of worrying about the funeral arrangment, they shoud start the day with a 2 hour prayer session. Her mom thought she was crazy cuz she had so much to do but they ended up listening to worship music, and reading whits favorite bible verses. Everyone was so thankful that Carly forced them to do it because now the day would be so much easier. Later that day they end up going to watch the highschool soccer game beacuse Whit used to be on it. Next comes whitneys birthday which was also her funeral day. Her Mom is keeping a journal of like what she would want to say to whit everyday, just saying like Happy 19th b-day, its been so long since we have talked....basically writing her a letter like she is gone in a foreign country or something. So many of the people that loved whit showed it, and there were more people than anyone ever could imagine at the funeral.
I am still in aw at the fact that this book is how God is the look back on every situation, and every thought, they always turn to him either with prayer, or trust in him. Its so moving I cant explain. Its almost comforting in a way and makes the situation less sad and depressing. You would not believe how many people were praying for these girls. Its so unreal but so real. Even though this book is sad, for some reason it interest me to see how these families are getting through this tragedy.