Saturday, February 19, 2011

On love pages 20-50

Alain de Botton "On Love" has just been one of those books that I do not want to put down. It is choppy, but intriguing at the same time. Honestly the cover was what attracted me to the book, but a love story wouldn't be my first choice in book, but I am glad I did. At this point in the story, Chloe and they guy who i never figured out his name(he is the none telling the story), they start to see eachother more and more. This man is so madly in love with Chloe; he analyzes everything and anything about her, its almost creepy. And he quite often asked himself ,"Who could I become to please her?"While that in his mind he attempted to anticipate everything he believed she might of wanted to hear. Then they were at dinner, and things were going well until there was "that" silence..... I think everyone can relate to "that" silence. He went on saying how silence is a sense that you are boring, and is an unattractive quality which i agree with. But then again it is hard to always know what to say. As dinner went on he had found out that Chloe didnt like to talk about herself, and that is what made her so modest. Chloe had grown up in a rich home, and had a quite "awkward" childhood as he explained. At the end of the night when he was taking her home, he tried to be mature and just kiss her on both cheeks and wish her a goodnight, but she whispered in his ear, "we arent children ya know", and they had a wonderful, long kiss! Ow Owww! One thing led to another and they spent the night with eachother doing the nasty. The next morning, he wakes up to Chloe getting into the shower, and then she makes a huge breakfast, which she is grateful for. Until something in his taste buds told him that he needed strawberry jelly when there was like 5 different jelly's that she had. He said that he was going to leave and go get some and she did not like that idea. I don't blame her, that is ridiculous. Those actions led to a small fight, and she ended up in her room crying over jelly.

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