Sunday, February 27, 2011

The lost pencil

You know when are doing homework or something, and your pencil just disappears...its almost as if it camouflages with the bedspread, or the carpet. I mention this because it just happened to me. So, there has been a few exiting things on tv lately like American Idol, the gramies. I believe that this season of American Idol will indeed be the best so far, just because of the talent that is being introduced. I mean these peoples voices are amazing and quite unique and peerless. I fell in love with one particular audition just because of this mans breath-taking voice. I would put the youtube video on, but I forget how to so if your curious then look up Steve Beghun American idol season 10 auditions. On to my opinion with the gramies...I thought they were pretty good this year, I mostly watched it to see all of the breath taking dresses. Another highlight was when toy story 3 won best animated film!! Loved it!

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