Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So last you heard, I was training for regionals, and last night I had a great meet down in Indianpolis for the regional meet. It was so crazy I was conpeting against an olympian! She is the youngest girl ever to be in the olympics. She is 17, and dove in the last olympics and is now training for the 2012 olympics. It was an honor to compete against her and watch how good she was. She obviously got first place but me on the other hand, I got 8th which makes the cut for State. So Friday I am leaving at 8 heading towards Indianapolis, and I am sorry to say I am missing school Friday. I have never been to state for diving before, but I have been for gymnastics and it was one of the coolest things I have ever experianced. I am hoping this will be just as thrilling.

On to a new topic, I think the picture that we discusses in class today was so cool! It had an absolute amount of intricate detail that you have to look up close to see, which is the beauty of that painting because there is so much hidden. Also how the painting looked like someone froze time just to catch every detail and emotion that the birds where portaying. I very much enjoy what we are dong in class now because we get to do things our own way to an extent instead of other classes where you do same old same old crap everyday. So thank you Mr. Hill for making this class an enjoyment!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you dig that painting . . it's kind of a haunting one. I see things like that and wish that I painted it.

    Really proud of your diving success, too. What a cool experience.
