Sunday, February 20, 2011

New book chapter 1

So tomorrow is indeed Presidents least that is what my Dad told me so i hope he knows what he is talking about. So here he is the president of the United States..I personllay do not like him all that much but that is just me.
Any way i started a new book called" on love" and so far its pretty decent.I decided to stop reading the other book because it was not intersting me at all. I think reading love stories once in a while is good for everyone. This book is unique becasue every chapter is chapter 1, and in each chapter, the parapgraphs are numberd, almost as if they are entries, which is weird I know, but something about it draws me to it. This story is told in first person and the main charater is a man, that is looking for love. This man loves to travel, and so one day he was on a plane, and his passenger had told him to get an extra drink so that she could have it.....and that is were the love began. They continued to make conversation, and flirt. Next thing you know he is in love with this girl named chloe. He described her as having chesnut colored hair that was short, watery green eyes that refused to look into mine, and her shoulders were thin, almost fragile. She was a graphic designer for a fashion magazine in Soho. So after strange click on the plane, they had spent time with eachother that afternoon, leading to having dinner once in awhile. Even though they were far apart, they called eachother everyday. He truley believes that meeting chloe was fait, and it was not an accident. I wish these types of things really happend in real life....

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