Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3.22 excercise

2. The peom that I liked the most last quarter was "Journey". This poem identifies something that happens to all of us, but we never have time to stop and think about our journies, and how they affect our lives. This poem relates because, I often experiance everything that is said in the poem, but I never have the patience and time to appreciate the goodness of the experiance. The rhyming also makes it more lyrical and fun to read. Also the diction expresses the different emotions such as frustration,"The many fights that made Dad say, "I'll turn this thing around!". Also it expresses the happiness in the car rides when the narrator says"I think about the time when we oustang the radio, and thought we sounded fine".

3. First I would like to say that this website is AWESOME, and it makes me really happy, because it reminds me of all the good things in life. Some of the ones I really like are, "Christmas hugs", "swapping drivers licenses with a freind and lauphing at eachothers photos,", lauphing so hard that you dont make a sound", "wearing your favorite pair of underwear and no one knows". These are just a few, I personally think all of them are awesome. One of mine that I think that should be on it, smelling the smell of a new book!

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