Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Ahhh the joys of the Carribean. Spring break 2011 is when I am going on the biggest cruise ship in the word called the Oasis of the Sea. It is 4 times as big as the titanic..whooow that is huge. I am fortunate enouph to be going on this cruise because my freind is taking me and paying for most of the trip. With out her paying for it I probably would not have been able to go on it so.....thanks Mers mom and Dad! The cruise itself is going to Cozumel, Haiti and Jamaica Man! We are going to go snorkeling, and deep sea fishing, and rock climbing in like this water fall thing, swimming with dolphins and stingrays, and we are also going to be having a butt load of fun on the ship. The ship has an iceskating rink, a billion pools, tennis coarts, surfing stations, teen clubs, all you can eat for FREE, lots of shops, and I am sure lots of attactive males. Haha. Well anyway I am super excited because I have never done anyting like this before and this is basically a once in a life oppertunity for me. Sprin break 2011 lets gooooo!

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