Wednesday, March 2, 2011

On love pages 50-100

Allot had gone on in the past 50 pages so it will be hard to reach every point. The man whose name still had not been mentioned, realizes one day when he is writing Chloe a birthday card, that he had never said he loved her. Maybe in actions but never actually said it with the word. Then he questions himself on if he really loves her, or loves the idea of her. Then the next chapter is about these pair of shoes that Chloe gets, and she absolutely loves them and payed allot for them, and he doesnt like them. Later on they are going to a party and Chloe wants to wear her new shoes and he wont let her because he thinks they are too ugly, and by that she gets offended. He tells her its because he cares about her....I say if she likes the shoes she should be able to wear them if she wants. She ends up not wearing them. The two have grown to be quite comfortable around each other aka not polite. He describes how chloe would pick her nose and crumble it in a wad and flick it across the room....right in front of him. One thing that I can admire about them is that they often joke after they fight to settle the mood down. In the chapter beauty there is a picture that is a duck but can also be seen as a rabbit, and it is put in there to determine that people can look at things and people from different points of view and see something totally different. He was beginning to notice that he was doing and saying things like Chloe did and said. They are becoming one.

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